Phone call

You may need to consult more than one section to accurately represent the source used (eg. number of authors and source descriptions)

Format for in-text citation

This depends on how the statement is presented (see In-text citation examples below).

Where applicable, use:

(A. A. Author, type of unpublished document, Date)

In-text citation example

During a phone interview conducted April 15, 1980, Doctor Jean Paul Sartre refuted the idea that …


The doctor’s statement was reiterated during a phone interview (J. Sartre, private communication, Apr. 15, 1980)

Format for reference list

You do not need to include an entry in the Reference List

Style Notes

  • Month abbreviations: Abbreviated months (E.g. Jun, Sep) are used in IEEE. Please see the IEEE Reference guide for all abbreviations
  • Use et al when three or more names (i.e. authors or editors) are given for a reference cited in the text.
  • Dates: Use the Abbreviated Month Day, Year. Format for adding the date, for example: Jun. 3, 2018

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