
You may need to consult more than one section to accurately represent the source used (eg. number of authors and source descriptions)

Format for in-text citation

This depends on how the statement is presented (see In-text citation examples below).

Where applicable, use:

(A. A. Author, type of unpublished document, Date)

In-text citation example

During an interview conducted Nov. 4, 2017, Professor Art Vandelay, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Federation University, outlined his new mission statement…


The Deputy Vice Chancellor’s statement was acknowledged during an interview (A. Vandelay, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Federation University, private communication, Nov. 4, 2017) …

Format for reference list

You do not need to include an entry in the Reference List.

This information is about referencing information from an interview that you have conducted.

Style Notes

  • Month abbreviations: Abbreviated months (E.g. Jun, Sep) are used in IEEE. Please see the IEEE Reference guide for all abbreviations
  • Dates: Use the Abbreviated Month Day, Year. Format for adding the date, for example: Jun. 3, 2018 Use et al when three or more names (i.e. authors or editors) are given for a reference cited in the text.

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