Individual Author(s)

You may need to consult more than one section to accurately represent the source used (eg. number of authors and source descriptions)

Elements, punctuation & capitalisation

23. Name of author, Title of Report (Place of Publication: Publisher's Name, Date of Publication), page number/s, URL or DOI (if consulted online).

Footnote examples

First entry:

23. Doug Marmion, Kazuko Obata and Jakelin Troy, Community, Identity, Wellbeing: The Report of the Second National Indigenous Languages Survey (Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2014), 8,

Second and subsequent entries:

55. Marmion, Obata and Troy, Community, Identity, Wellbeing, 16.

Format for bibliography

Elements, punctuation & capitalisation

Name of author (last name, first name). Title of Report. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name, Date of Publication. URL/ DOI (if consulted online).

Bibliography entry example

Marmion, Doug, Kazuko Obata and Jakelin Troy. Community, Identity, Wellbeing: The Report of the Second National Indigenous Languages Survey. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2014.

Style notes for this reference type

  • See Manual 14.220. See also Turabian 17.7.3.
  • For guidance on citing more than one author, see Manual 14.76.
  • Cite reports and pamphlets as you would a book. If any elements of the citation are missing, include enough information to identify the document.
  • For sources consulted online, a URL or DOI should be included.
  • For online sources, include a publication date (or date of modification/revision). If no such date can be found, include an access date.

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