Artwork (viewed in a gallery or collection)

Format for in-text citation

In-text citation example

One popular artwork on exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, Quantum Memories (Anadol 2020),…


Refik Anadol's work Quantum Memories (2020) exemplifies this…

Format in reference list

Elements, punctuation & capitalisation

Artist Surname, First Name. Year. Title of image. Medium, dimensions of work. Repository/ Gallery/ Museum, City.

Reference list example

Anadol, Refik. 2020. Quantum Memories. AI Data Sculpture, Custom software, quantum computing data, generative algorithm with artificial intelligence (AI), real time digital animation on LED screen, 4 channel sound, 10m x 10m x 2.5m. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.

Style notes for this reference type

  • Titles of artworks are italicised and in headline style. See Manual 3:22
  • You should include as much information about the medium and dimensions as you can find. See Manual 3.22 and 3.27
  • "City" refers to the city in which the museum/gallery/collection is located. Private collections do not need a location.

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