Printed Journal Article (one author)

You may need to consult more than one section to accurately represent the source used (eg. number of authors and source descriptions)

Format for in-text citation

In-text citation example

…was summarised (Hanson, 2010).


Hanson (2010) summarised…


Hanson (2010) asserts that "neither education nor institutions are ever neutral" (p.15).

Format for reference list

Elements, punctuation & capitalisation

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of article. Name of publication, Volume(Issue), pp–pp.

Reference list example

Hanson, L. (2010). Global citizenship, global health, and the internationalization of curriculum: A study of transformative potential. Journal of Studies In International Education, 14(1), 70–88.

Make sure you read the style notes below

Reference list style notes

  • Article title: Capitalise only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any, and any proper nouns. Do not italicise the title or place quotation marks around it. Finish the element with a period.
  • Journal title: Give the journal title in full, in uppercase and lowercase letters, e.g. 'Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews'. Italicise the name of the periodical.
  • Publication information: Give the volume number after the journal title and italicise it. Do not use Vol. before the number.
  • Include the journal issue number (if available) along with the volume number if the journal is paginated separately by issue. Give the issue number in parentheses immediately after the volume number. Do not italicize it. Give inclusive page numbers on which the cited material appears. Finish the element with a period.
  • If a journal or newsletter does not use volume numbers, include the month or season, or other designation with the year, e.g., (2008, May).
  • Include both article title and subtitle, regardless of length.
  • For supplementary material, include a description of the content in brackets after the title, e.g., [Special issue], [Special section].

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