Travelling libraries

Get references from a shared document and make a library from them.

Sharing and saving travelling libraries

"Travelling library"  refers to EndNote citations that have been embedded in a Microsoft Word document.

If that document is shared,  the citations can be  exported from the document into a new or exisiting EndNote library.

You can confirm if you are using a travelling library in your MS Word document by going to  Edit & Manage Citations from the toolbar. You will see the name of the library being used.

To  share a travelling library, send a copy of a formatted document.

To open and save a travelling library to EndNote

  • Open the Word document.
  • (Windows) From the EndNote tab, select Export to EndNote, then select Export Traveling Library.
  • (Mac) From the Tools menu, go to the EndNote submenu, and then select Export Traveling Library
  • On the Export Traveling Library dialog, select either:
    -  An existing EndNote library OR  a new EndNote library: You will be prompted to name and save the new library.


  • Open the Word document containing the travelling library, and your Endnote library
  • In Endnote, go to the Tools menu - Cite While You Write - Import travelling library

Note: the travelling library does not contain Notes, Abstracts, Figures or Captions.