Advanced features

Find out how to use journal terms lists, import BibTex files, create custom reference types and manage duplicates for systematic reviews.

Here are some  additional features that help make EndNote work more efficiently for you.

Using journal terms lists

Some styles use abbreviated forms of journal titles, while other styles use the full journal titles.

You can import journal term lists that contain both the full and corresponding abbreviated journal titles, which will be automatically selected depending on the output style.

EndNote provides journal term lists, for example for Law, Medicine and Humanities etc... that can be imported into your library.

You would do this if you are using an output style that requires abbreviated journal titles:

To import a journal terms list:

  1. Open your EndNote library.
  2. Select: Library > Open Term Lists > Journals Term List
  3. To save the existing list: select the Lists tab, select Journals and click the Export List button.
  4. To delete the existing list of terms: select the Terms tab, press Ctrl+a on your keyboard to select all the journal names, then click the Delete Term button.
  5. Select the Lists tab, select Journals, click the Import List button.
  6. Select the folder that contains the journal term lists (i.e. the EndNote program folder called Terms Lists).

Next, if you wish to display abbreviated journal names, you must select an output style that supports this, such as Vancouver.

Customise output styles

It is possible to customise an output style so that it meets your needs.

  1. Open EndNote.
  2. Select Tools > Output styles > Open Style Manager...
  3. Select an output style that is close to the style you need to create.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Make any changes you wish.
  6. Choose Save As from the File menu, give this copy of the style a new name, and click Save (i.e. don’t save over the original style).

Note: the style will be saved on your computer in your ‘My Documents\EndNote\Styles’ folder.

For more information, see the Clarivate Support article

Create custom reference types

EndNote has many pre-defined reference types e.g. for journal articles, conference papers etc... as well as three unused ones.
You can use the unused reference types to define new reference types.

You can also edit any existing reference types (except for the ‘Generic’ reference type).

To modify the reference types:

  1. Open EndNote.
  2. Select: Edit > Preferences > Reference Types
  3. Select the ‘Modify Reference Types’ button.
  4. Select a reference type from the drop-down menu e.g. ‘Unused 1’.
  5. Give names to the fields you wish to have available for that reference type. The fields of the Generic reference type are listed on the left, and should be used as a guide when modifying or creating reference types, e.g. rows reserved for Authors should be used only for names etc…


  • Changes made to Reference Types are stored in a special RefTypeTable xml file. To use a new file or to share your file with others, use the ‘Export’ and ‘Import’ buttons in the ‘References Types’ preferences window.
  • If you create a custom reference type, you will need to add a template for it in the output style you are using.

More information from Clarivate

Import  BibTex references (*.bib) into EndNote

Do you have a database of references in a BibTeX filetype (*.bib) and would like to export that to EndNote?

You might find JabRef helpful.

JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager. The native file format used by JabRef is BibTeX, the standard LaTeX bibliography format. JabRef runs on the Java VM (version 1.8 or newer), and should work equally well on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. To download the open source application, visit -

You will need to be the administrator of your computer to get the application successfully installed.

After installing the application and setting file associations for .bib to be opened by JabRef, you are ready to download your file with BibTeX records.

The references from the database will now appear in your own JabRef library.

To make these references available for export to your EndNote library follow these steps:

  1. Select all the records in your JabRef library. Select the first listed record with a mouse click, scroll down to the bottom of the list, hold down 'shift' and click on the last record so you select all current records in the database.
  2. Then click on the toolbar: File> Export
  3. Choose the relevant file location
  4. Enter a file name
  5. Select one of the following file types
    • 'EndNote (*.txt)'
    • 'RIS (*.ris)'

To import this file with references to EndNote, follow these steps:

  1. Launch EndNote
  2. Open your EndNote library
  3. Click on the menu bar: File> Import> File
  4. Choose the file to import from the relevant location
  5. Use one of these import options:
    • RIS, or 'EndNote import'

Managing duplicates for systematic reviews

For guidance on undertaking systematic reviews, see the Systematic Reviews library guide

If you are using EndNote to manage your references,  there are some  tricks to  finding and removing duplicate items.