Images generated by Artificial Intelligence

Use this resource to guide you on how to appropriately acknowledge the use of AI tools and technologies in your assessments.

Check with your lecturers and tutors whether artificial intelligence (AI) text generators are permitted in your assessment tasks. For more information, see the Academic Integrity Statement on Artificial Intelligence Tools and Technologies.

There is no formal advice from APA on citing images generated by artificial intelligence. The guidance provided is based on rules for citing both images and AI generated text.

Format for caption and note

Elements, punctuation & capitalisation

Figure X
AI generated image of ...
placeholder image

Note. Image created using [name of generative AI software] from the prompt [details of prompt]

Caption and note example

Figure 5
AI generated picture of mountains and the moon.
placeholder image

Note. Image generated by from the prompt mountains and moon.

Format for reference list

As Generative AI images are not retrievable, they do not need to be included in the reference list.

Explore resources to enable you to effectively integrate and cite sources into your writing and assessment tasks, visit Academic Skills.