Choosing a referencing style

Select a referencing style from the list, and add more styles from the thousands available in the style repository.

Choosing your referencing style

When you first add a citation, Zotero will ask you to select your referencing style. You can choose from the default list, along with any other styles you've installed, in a pop up window.

To change the citation style, click on Document Preferences to select a citation style.

Where a footnote citation system is used, Zotero will create the footnotes at the bottom of the page. It is easy to change between in-text and footnote styles.


Additional referencing styles

Once Zotero is installed, access the Style Manager in the Preferences option.

  • Windows users: go to Edit.
  • Mac users: go to Zotero > Preferences > Cite.

Zotero has a style repository of over 9000 citation styles. Add an additional style by clicking the 'Get Additional Styles' link. This will open a new window and then search for the citation style by name. Use filters to limit to styles with certain formats, or styles used by particular academic fields.

To add a new style to Zotero, click the name of the style. This will add it to the Style Manager panel where you can select from a large list of available styles.

get more styles search for styles