Brownless Biomedical Library High Use Collection

Students - Find set texts and recommended materials

How to find in the catalogue

  1. Go to the Library Catalogue
  2. Type the Subject Name or Code
    Example: GENE20003 or, Experiments in Genetics

Items in this collection have the location code: UniM BioMed High Use.

How to borrow

  • The collection is located on Ground Floor of the Brownless Biomedical Library.
  • Items must be borrowed using the self-checkout machines in the High Use Room
  • Items are generally 2 hours, 3 hours or Overnight, but always check your receipt when borrowing. Fines apply for overdue items.
  • Overnight loans are due the following day the library is open, 30 minutes before the library closes
  • Only staff and students of the University of Melbourne and affiliated institutions, may borrow from this collection

Lecturers - Place items in High Use

Please email the High Use co-ordinators with the items you would like included in the library's High Use Collection

  • Contact Lauren Logan, 9035 5510  and include 'High Use [subjectcode]' in Subject Line.

Place online readings in the LMS

Academic staff can also speak to Liaison librarians about adding items to subject reading lists.